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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sunday's Newsflash!!!!!

Wow It has been a whole week since I have posted anything on here. I didn't even realize that!!!! Sorry I have been so busy this week that I barely got the chance to even get on the computer at all this week. I had a meeting or appointment or something going on every single day after work this past week. So I have been very busy.

First of all I would like to take this time to say

So this week that has just past, I went to a STATE WIDE RALLY in OPPOSITION of the proposed 8% salary cut that the Governor of Delaware is proposing. See our State of Delaware is such economic hardship that the Governor is trying any and every way he can to try and make up for such a high deficit, that he has come up with a proposal of cutting EVERY state employee's salary by 8%. WELL us state employees are NOT TOO HAPPY about that. IT is not our problem that got the state into this mess, IT should not be us that has to FIX that problem. There are a ton of other ways to increase revenue in the state of Delaware then to cut the employee's salaries. So the state union workers organized a State Wide Rally in front of the Legislative Hall this past Wednesday. There were over 2,000 people there. It was amazing. Hopefully with this and the many other things we are doing across the state, it will show the governor that we are not too happy with this proposal and to come up with another alternative as to come up with the money to help our state out. THIS IS CRAZY!!!! I tell you the truth, if I have to take an 8% salary cut, I will be on Food Stamps, Welfare, and Medicaid and that will make the state in worse shape then it is right now because many of us will be in the same boat and it will cost the state even more money. So that is just one thing I have been doing all this week.
I have been busy with meetings. It is the end of another school year, we only have 4 more weeks till school is out for the summer. Of course, I WORK SUMMER SCHOOL. But still it is the end of another school year for everyone. And the kids are getting excited to be on summer vacation. So far we do not have any plans per say to go on a summer vacation but maybe just like day trips here and there this summer. I am "Pool Sitting" and "House Sitting" for a few of my friends this summer while their families go on vacation so we will have plenty opportunity to go swimming this summer, which is one of my kids FAVORITE things to do.
I have NOT heard yet if I have been chosen for that NEA Training I put in for. IT is a training where they only pick 20 people from the whole COUNTRY. I have not heard yet and I am waiting anxiously. As soon as I know, I will let everyone know. CUS you know I will be very excited about the whole thing.
I leave in 7 weeks to go to San Diego California. I am SO EXCITED about that one. I am going along with about 30 other people from Delaware to the National Education Association Representative Assembly. It is an Assembly of about 15,000 people all in the same room at the same time voting on things that pertain to education across the Nation. And it is an experience to Remember for a lifetime. It is truly an AMAZING Experience. I can't wait.
So today is Sunday and as you know it is also my weigh in Day. SO yes I did weigh in today and I have lost another 2 lbs. SO that brings my total Weight LOSS up to 120 lbs.
YES I SAID 120 LBS!!!!!! Can you believe that????? It has been 9 months since my surgery and I FEEL INCREDIBLE, I feel Amazing, I feel Wonderful, I just FEEL!!!!!!!! I am so Happy it is UNBELIEVABLE!!!!! Thank you to EVERYONE for your support and encouragement.
Oh yeah I forgot to mention that I have become somewhat of a PARTY ANIMAL. I don't know what it is, but I have been going OUT A LOT lately. I don't drink but I have been going to different places with lots of my friends hanging out, partying, dancing, just chilling. Last night I went to a friend's college graduation party. The night before that, I went to my friend's bridal shower party. Last weekend, I went out both Friday and Saturday night to different parties. Next weekend. I have a party to go to on Friday night, and I have a wedding to go to on Saturday. And that is just this past two weeks and weeks to come. I have been definitely exploring the world lately and I think it is because I feel so much better about myself and I am so much more Happier with myself that I just want to be with my friends and Have Fun. My kids say that I am reliving my Teenage Years all over again. (They don't know the half of what I did as a Teenager) LOL!!!!
Well, before I write a book, I better get off of here for now. I will post more on this week as the week goes by. I hope not to make it a Whole nother week before I post on here again. BUT, If it happens to be that way, I promise I will post on SUNDAY again definitely.
SO until my next post----


Anonymous said...

Wow!! You can write!!:) Well, first of all, yes you're right, there are many other ways the state can cut down on't funding projects (buildings, bridges, etc.) It's a shame salaries have to be compromised. You're doing fabulous with the weight loss!! And you certainly look wonderful too! I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to hear something from you on this NEA training:)You have a lot of positive things to look forward to this year! I'm glad you've been having fun going out too. I can't wait to see you in a few days. Have a Happy Mother's Day!!

Peggy said...

Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!!
I really hope your salary doesn't get cut. You have some very valid points to make. It doesn't make sense at all to cut govt salarys!
You are so invloved with everything:) And what a party girl! LOL You party more than I do, I am stuck at home with the kids. I try to bring all my friends to me:)