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Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I know I have not kept up with my side of the bargain huh? Sorry. I have not been on my computer in a few days. I never even put up my Sunday's newsflash or nothing. DAM what's wrong with me? LOL.

Sorry, I have been so very very busy with starting back to work and all that I have not had the chance to get on here. And I'm very very worried about Sam not working. It really sucks. IT is really hard to live on just one income. It has been so very stressful here. OK so no more excuses. Here is my Sunday's newsflash and my pictures that I promised.

It has been exactly 13 months since I have had my surgery. I feel absolutely fantastic. Doing wonderful. Exercising my butt off, literally. And I have now lost a total of 146 lbs.

HERE I AM 13 months later. CHECK ME OUT!!!!!!



Peggy said...

You are so darn cute! That shirt is too big for you:) You are doing a fabulous job!! I am so proud.
Sam is not working? I didn't realize that, I must have missed that post. Please just keep your marriage together through it all. There are couples breaking up all around us now and the only thing we can think of is the economy?? That is stressful on a marriage. Things will work out! Love ya

LOCnHEART said...

As my Pepay use to tell all of us... "better days are coming". That equates to my favorite saying... "this too shall pass". I truly believe the only way I find I can help you, Patti, is in my prayers. We've all been through these horrible times where you are now, and you've been there before. But just know that we're all praying for you so God will find a way for you to pass this set-back. He won't leave you here. ♥ We love you guys ♥ He'll bring you through.