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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Where has the week gone?

As I am sitting here, I can not believe that this week is almost over. Last week it went by so slow and I just could not wait for the weekend. This week is like the total opposite. It is going by so fast and I don't even know why.

Today at work, we had so much fun. We are planning on going to the Please Touch Museum in Philadelphia in May to celebrate the end of the year. Well the cost for us to go to that field trip is $15.00 per person including adults and we all have to pay for that. So we have decided to do a bake sale to help raise funds for our field trip. So we are going to have a bake sale tomorrow at school. Now I work with 3 and 4 year old children who have disabilities. And today we were baking brownies, muffins, and cupcakes. IT was so much fun to have them help us with it. This is the first time we have ever done a project like this. We had them each pour in the ingredients into the bowl. Then we had them each take a turn to stir it with the spoon. Then we hooked up the mixer to a switch so that they can turn it on and off and watch the mixer mix the stuff. You should have seen their faces, watching that mixer and making it go on and off. It was priceless. We realized that they all probably never get the chance to help mom and dad in the kitchen because sometimes it is just easier to do it as adults. Well, look at the enjoyment and the learning that took place today. IT WAS SO FUN as a teacher to see them today. It really makes us LOVE our JOBS EVEN MORE. So we did the baking today and now tomorrow we are going to set up a table in the hallway and sell our stuff and they are all going to be so excited about it. OH and we even made posters to advertise our bake sale. We found pictures of baked things in magazines. We cut them out and they glued them on paper that they colored all different colors on. So they glued pictures any which way they wanted on the papers and then we wrote our info as far as time, date, place, price and things like that. Then they helped us hang the posters in the hall. I don't think they quite understand the whole thing of what we are doing, but I know they are having fun doing it and I know WE are having fun watching them learn and have fun learning. So I wish you all could come down to our school tomorrow and come buy something from our bake sale. IT is going to be a great day tomorrow.

~~Have a Great Day Tomorrow~~

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