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Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Ok I don't know about all of you out there in blog world, but I am tired of RAIN. I Love the Rain but DANG I feel like we need to start building an ark. We have so much rain in the past few weeks that I am like sun deprived now. I want to see the sun again. I am tired of my shoes getting wet, I am tired of the bottom of my pants getting wet, I am just tired of Rain. I know we need it and all, and people would say it is better than snow. But I am just venting that's all.
Anyway, I was so tired yesterday that I was in bed by 8:30. The boys were in my room watching a movie, I just crawled in there next to them and started watching it with them then it started watching me. I was sound asleep by 9:00. The boys woke me up to tell me that the movie was over and they were going to bed. And then I slept all night. I must have needed it. I felt so much better today though and I am not tired tonight. I am doing laundry, we did FFY for dinner tonight and I am on here for a bit then I am done for the night. IT is still raining and I don't have to go out tonight for anything so that's good. So Join IN with me "Rain, Rain, Go Away, Come again some other day" LOL.

1 comment:

Peggy said...

It has been raining here too.. but I guess not as much as you are getting? I want it to snow... but I want it to be clear and safe for when you come here! LOL What a dilema!