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Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Yesterday was Sam's Birthday. I was supposed to get on here and post all about him, but I got so busy with things around the house and I had to watch the "Bachelor" on TV that I never did get on the computer. So my honey turned 41 yesterday. He had to go to work so it was not like we were able to go out to dinner or anything. When he got home from VA on Sunday night, I had dinner waiting for him and a cake. I made one of his favorite dinners, Chicken baked in the oven with mashed potatoes, stuffing, and green beans. I know, simple, but he really likes baked chicken. Then after dinner, the boys and I sang happy birthday to him and we had the cake, Chocolate-Chocolate.
He loves Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Icing. TOO much chocolate for me. I don't particularly care for chocolate cake but it was his birthday and I made it for him. So after dinner, we spent some time together with the boys. Kimi was at her boyfriends house watching the super bowl. Then after the boys went to bed, it was my and Sam's time. It was nice, we don't get to spend too much time together because of our works schedules.

So anyway, I wanted to give you all an incite as to how Sam and I met. IT was one of the craziest days I have ever had in my life. But it all turned out to be for the best, because I have Sam now and we have been together for almost 20 years already. This November we will be together for 20 years. Can you believe it. Sam and I met in November of 1989. We met in a very weird way. I was friends with a girl named Marie, she was dating a guy named Rob. Rob and Sam were sharing an apt together. So Marie comes over to my house one night and says to me "what are you doing tonight, do you want to go out?" I said "sure" Well she takes me to Rob and Sam's apartment and she walks in, I walk in behind her. She says to Rob and Sam "Rob, Sam, this is Patti, Patti this is Rob & Sam. Rob let's go?" AND THEN THEY LEFT us. I was like what the hell. I have never met this man before a day in my life. He could have been a serial killer, rapist, a druggie, you name it. They left us for like 3 hours. I remember the very first words Sam said to me was "would you like a pepsi?" It was very awkward to say the least. We were talking and trying to get to know it each other, but it was very uncomfortable for both of us. When they got back I was like don't ever do this to me again and take me home. Well the next day after I got off of work, I FOUND MYSELF DRIVING TO THEIR HOUSE BY MYSELF. Don't ask me why, It was GOD's Plan at the time. The rest is History. We have been together ever since. Funny how things work out sometimes. HUH???
Happy Birthday Honey, I love you!!!!!!

1 comment:

Peggy said...

Happy Birthday Sam! We Love you!