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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Today is Tuesday, it's really Tuesday!!!

LOL every morning at work, we sing this song. Today is __________ (M,T,W,T,F) etc. It's really _________ from early morning to late at night, while we are working, while we are playing, don't forget it's Tuesday today!! (sung to "you are my sunshine). WELL I can not get this dang song out of my head today to save my life. I have been singing it all day long. I need to get it out of my head. LOL. So when I clicked on to my blog and wanted to post about today's happening, that song is still in my head. So I said~~ok that's the title of my post today. :)

Today was a silly day. I have been in a silly mood. My kids at work just are so dam cute, so dam fun, just so dam loveable. They were playing with blocks on the floor today and a lot of the times they are playing on the floor and we (adults) are up and about and moving around doing what we need to do. Well this one little boy said "Ms. Patti, come here and look at this big building" So I decided to get on the floor with them. WELL they all started pushing me down and then the next thing I know, I have 8 little kids ALL climbing on me and laughing and playing and just absolutely LOVING IT!! It is one of those priceless moments with my kids. That really made me love the day, love my kids, love everything about it. It doesn't happen very often, but it was just a spontaneous thing that the kids would remember for a long time. It was another thing to validate how much I LOVE MY JOB!!!

Anyway, for the rest of this week and all next week, I am going to be very busy with meetings and appointments and that kind of stuff so I am not sure how much posting I am going to be able to do on my blog. BUT one of my new years resolutions is to keep this blog going because I really like doing it and I got out of it for such a long time that I want to keep going this year. So I am going to try my hardest to put a couple things on here a couple times a week. It may not be every day but at least 2-3 times a week.



Anonymous said...

Patti, your children at school are way precious! I really would love to come see you work with them one day soon. That would put a big smile on my face:)) You are truelly an angel!

Peggy said...

That's so great!! I love moments like that too:) Of course, I have never had 8 kids at a time! I am so happy that you love your job:)