Tyler Daniel Reid is 10 years old. He is Exactly 5 years and 1 day younger then Lil Sam. Their birthdays are a day and 5 years apart. He is and always will be my Baby. He completes the Threereidboys. His favorite color is Green. He absolutely loves Turtles and anything to do with Turtles. He is smart as a whip. He is in the 5 th grade at William Henry Middle School. He has great grades in school. He absolutely loves to READ anything and everything he can get his hands on and he reads on an 11th grade level. He has a huge dimple on the left side of his face, so cute. He wears glasses all the time now and he said not to touch his glasses because they make him smarter. His favorite food is Velveeta Macaroni and Cheese Shells, if we let him, he can eat the whole box by himself. He has more energy then the energizer bunny. He is the first one awake in the morning and ready to go. He loves to play with little Lego sets and all of his turtle things he has. He loves to have conversations with anyone who will listen to him. He has such an extensive vocabulary. Some of his favorite words are "actually, seriously, technically, currently, etc." he is so funny when he is explaining something because he is so detailed in his explanations. He is fun loving and fun to be around.
So there you have it, my youngest boy!!!
Wow he is reading on an 11th grade level?!?! That is awesome!
What a sweetie! I love his glasses. Zach's favorite color is green too! Tyler is so smart:) We have a lot of books here if he feels like reading.
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