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Thursday, March 26, 2009

It is Thursday already

Yes I know it is 6:50 in the morning and it is Thursday and I am blogging already. I shouldn't be blogging I should be getting ready to go to work. I leave at 7:15 so I have a minute or two. We have such a routine in the mornings in this house that everything is going so smooth and that I had a minute. I had to check my bank account so while I was on here I just wanted to write in here this morning too.
Yesterday was my 8 month anniversary and I have not had the chance to get pictures on here yet. I will take them today and post later tonight or tomorrow. I have had meetings and appointments every day this week and I have been really busy. Yesterday I had a meeting with one of the paras in my district and she needs to hire a lawyer and press charges, this is the first time ever dealing with something like this and I have a lot of work ahead of me on this case. So I was emailing DSEA about it this morning and I am waiting on the next step to help her solve this problem. When you are the president, you have to be there for everyone and everything. So I feel sad for her and I hope everything works out ok and I will be there for her with anything I can do to help her.
So last week I told you about one of my little boys is in the hospital. He had pneumonia. Well I went to see him yesterday after work. I miss him so much. He was in the hospital for 2 weeks. He finally got home on Monday. Thank God. But he is not back to school yet. Should be back on Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. He has dr appt on Monday and Tuesday next week. He is doing better. Still has to be on Oxygen at night when he sleeps and has to be on a pulse/ox machine while he sleeps. His breathing is still not right and they are trying to determine if he would need a private duty nurse when he comes back to school. Some of our kids have private nurses. But overall, he was very happy to see me and excited to be back home in his own home and his own bed. We laid on the couch for like an hour with each other. It was so sweet. He just laid on my lap and hugged me and just was smiling the whole time. I had tears in my eyes cus I missed him so much and he knew I was there just for him and I think (or I know) he missed me too. His grandmother who has custody of him, was in tears too at the way the two of us were interacting. It was just natural and beyond describable. That is what she said anyway. I believe I have a connection with some of my students that is beyond words. You would have to see our students to understand what I am talking about. Well I am just glad he is home and coming back to school soon. I miss him and I am glad he is better.
Got to go to work now, more blog news later. Have a great Thursday everyone!!!!

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