I will try and keep my posts up while I am out there if I get the chance to get online. I can not promise anything. But I will try.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Leaving Tonight for New Orleans!!!
I will try and keep my posts up while I am out there if I get the chance to get online. I can not promise anything. But I will try.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Off on Fridays!!!
So let me tell you what has been going on here with me for the past few weeks. I, we, have been under so much stress lately because of Sam not working again. It has only been my income. And it has been Very very very hard making ends meet. WELL because of the stress and me working non stop for what seems like forever, I was purely EXHAUSTED the other week and I passed out in school and I had to go to the ER. They said that I am pushing by body too much and I need to relax or I am going to end up having a heart attack or a stroke. So I took off of work for three days and the weekend and I shut myself out of the WORLD!!! I needed to just chill and get back into reality. I am pushing myself too much because we need to survive and Sam can't get a job right now. We have been looking every where and for anything and he is being a little too picky about the kind of job he wants. So it has been very stressful. But better things are coming. My Friend called me the other day and one thing led to another and Sam is going to start a new job in July after the fiscal year starts. He will be working at Del State University as a Carpenter for the dorms and apartments they have there on campus. He is going to be temporary for the first 60 days and then if they like him and he works out, then he will become permanent. So I am excited about that because I really really really don't know how much long we can survive like this. I work too dam much and I can not keep us going any longer on just my income alone. Good thing it is summer now, because summer for me is Extra money when I work. So dam straight I am working summer school, minus the time I am in New Orleans, but that is an all EXPENSE paid trip so I don't have to worry about any money for this trip, thank God.
Anyway, I have not updated my weight loss in what seems like forever. I don't even know what the last total was that I posted about. BUT on July 25th it will be exactly 2 years since I have had my surgery and I am doing FANTASTIC!!! There for a little while I was not loosing any more weight at all. I was not gaining either, I was just staying the same for what seemed like 3 or 4 months. I thought I was done loosing weight and I was fine with that. AS long as I maintained that I would have been fine. But in the last month, more weight has been coming off of me and I have lost a total of 176 lbs so far and I can not believe I was even carrying that much around to begin with. I can not believe how better I feel and how much more active I am and how much more clothes fit me. I have to get new clothes frequently because of so much weight loss. But I have some really cool friends that have been giving me clothes so I don't have to buy any. That's good, cus you know I can't afford anything right now for nothing.
When I get some extra money, I have to buy a new camera. I don't have a working camera right now so I have not posted any pictures on here in like forever. Hopefully I can get a picture of me posted on here when it hits my 2 year anniversary.
Well I am getting off here to play on my facebook. I am addicted to my games on there. It is so funny.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Going to NEW ORLEANS!!!!
So this year it is in New Orleans. One of the the cities in the United States I have ALWAYS wanted to go to. One because one of their favorite colors is PURPLE (you know the Marti Gras)? Two because of the food I have heard so much about. Three because of the music and the Jazz that is all around that city. I really love music and I think Jazz is so relaxing and smooth and I love to just sit and chill and listen to some jazz music sometimes. So I am really really looking forward to seeing New Orleans for the first time and I am looking forward to all the city and the culture has to offer. I am leaving on Sunday June 27th and I will be back home on Thursday July 8th. So I will be away from Sam and the boys for almost 2 weeks. Man what are they gonna do with out me? LOL. I know one thing, they will EAT everything there is in this house while I am gone. Man these boys have been eating up a storm lately. I guess it is because school is out and they have been home and they are bored.
So besides going to New Orleans, things have been going pretty good around here. We are hoping and praying that Sam can start his job on July 1st. He got a job with the State at Del State University but he can not start till after the fiscal year starts which is on July 1st. So we are not sure if he is starting on July 1st or waiting till that Monday which will be on July 5th. Anyway you look at it, he will be starting his new job in July and boy do we really need him to work again. He has been out of a job again now for about 3 months. So we have been struggling so much again it is ridiculous. So much STRESS it just Plain SUCKS!!!!
Well I am getting off of here now and I will try and post something on here while I am in New Orleans. I can not promise anything though but I will try as long as I have Internet access I will try and post something on here.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Starting Fresh!!!!
So Let me start by saying that I am doing a lot better now. I have been under so much STRESS lately because of Sam not working again and having absolutely NO MONEY to pay our bills. I have picked up a second job, taking care of a little girl who has disabilities in her home. I work EVERY Night of the week, either I work with her or I have a meeting of some kind that keeps me out of the house, every single night. Well That was taking a REAL BIG toll on me, physically, mentally, emotionally, psychology, you name it; and I LOST IT!!! Last week, I had what I believed was a nervous break down!!! I collapsed from pure EXHAUSTION and I could not function AT ALL!!! I slept for 3 days. I did not go to work, I did not do any house work, I did not talk to Anyone, I did not really eat, I didn't DO A DAM thing for 3 whole days and I think it really scared Sam to death. He was really concerned about me. Since then I have slowed up a lot, went to the Dr to talk to them about getting on some medicine, and I only work 3 days a week at night now instead of 6. My bills are PILING Up but I don't want to kill myself trying to make ends meet, it is not good.
So a good thing happened while I was home for those 3 days. One of my friends called, and I really don't even know why I answered the phone but I did (I really didn't want to talk to anyone) but something told me I should answer the phone when Pam called me. So when I answered the phone she said to me, are you feeling ok, you sound sick. I told her, the only thing that will make me feel better is if Sam can get a job and we can get out of the hole we are in. Well, her boyfriend was sitting next to her, he was on his lunch break from work, one thing led to another and SAM is starting a brand new job with her boyfriend on July 1st. They have to wait till July 1st because of the fiscal year thing. Anyway, he is going to be a carpenter at Delaware State University College. Taking care of all the Dorms and Apartment buildings. There is over 800 units there and they need a carpenter really really bad. So Tony, the boyfriend of my friend Pam, said he is going to hire him definitely and he is going to start on July 1st. MAN JULY 1st could not come soon enough. Sam will be temporary for the first 60 days and then if they like him and he works out, he will become permanent and get benefits and all that. So HOPEFULLY everything works out and things will start looking up and we will be able to get back on our feet again. I will keep you all posted about that.
I am leaving for New Orleans next Sunday and I can not wait for that. I will be gone for 10 days. I can not wait. No laundry, dishes, cooking, cleaning, working, no nothing!!! Yes it will be a conference and I will be in meeting type of things all day and working, but it is a different type of working. So I am so excited about that. Then when I get back after that, I will be home for 10 days and then I will be flying to Minneapolis, Minnesota for a week for another conference. I am super excited about that one because I got chosen for this training and only 20 people in the whole UNITED STATES got chosen for this and I am one of those 20 people. So I will be doing a lot of traveling this summer along with working summer school. SO I will be very very busy in the next 2 months but Hopefully with Sam starting working and things gonna get better, we should be alright again.
Today is Tyler's Birthday!!!! My BABY BOY is now 12 years old. Can you believe that he is almost a teenager now? I can't believe I have 3 teenage boys now. Wow where has the time gone? Yesterday was Lil Sam's Birthday and he is 17!!! Talk about feeling OLD. My boys are such great kids. All three of them got their end of the year report cards and all three of them are on the honor roll and all three of them passed and are doing wonderful. Sam will be a SENIOR in High School next year can you believe that? Cody will be a Freshman in high school and Tyler will be in 7th grade. So they are all doing Fantastic. They are not doing anything this summer at all except saying home chilling because we have NO money for them to do anything. Lil Sam is looking for a job for this summer but they are really hard to come by around here. But he is still looking every day. He wants to work so he can try and get a car of his own. Maybe one day something will come up and he will find a job.
Friday, April 9, 2010
NC was not all that it was supposed to be!!!
Most of the week there, it was so DAM HOT!!! I could not believe how hot it got so fast. It was in the 90's all week and it is only the first week of April. And to top it all off, the pollen in the air was OUTRAGEOUS!!!! It was so thick and crazy. My cousin Marleen has allergies so bad to the pollen and many times while we were down there, she could not breath. And to make matters worse, were we were visiting, they didn't even want to turn the AC on. SO if you can imagine, hot, humid, 90* weather, pollen flying like crazy and no AC. It was miserable.
I stayed at My Gram's house the whole week long and Let me tell you, I love her to death but I could not wait to leave there. She doesn't get the chance to have company too often so when she does, it like we get the life sucked right out of us. She needs so much done around the house because she can't do it all by herself and so she always had me doing something or other. And I was supposed to be on vacation. Not there to work the whole time. But I got over it. I came home on Thursday, a day earlier then I was expected to, but I just had to get away from it all. There was just way too much DRAMA there. And so much Negativity. I really am upset that my Cousin Marleen could not come here with me. I really hope she is ok and does what she feels is right in her heart. I just want her to know that I LOVE her with my whole heart and I will always be there for her if she needs me.
I do not think I will be going back to NC any time soon. If I do, it will only be for like 3 or 4 days not a whole week. It was way too long. And I miss my boys and Sam way too much.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Hello From NC!!!!
Tonight we are all going over to my cousin Frankie's house for a BBQ!! That is going to be fun. I have not seen everyone in a long time. This week is going to be great being able to see everyone.
Well I am getting off of here.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Another Miracle
Well, you know that Sam got a job, I told you about that. He started it on Wednesday, and he is already getting is first pay check this coming Friday. So that is really cool.
Since the other night, when I wrote that last post, some MORE things have been happening in our lives. First of all, there is a 1 on 1 nurse for one of my students at school and she runs a Food and Clothing Closet out of her house. She invited us to come to her house this weekend and get STOCKED up on Food, Clothing, and Supplies All for Free and she said bring plenty of strong men because she will FILL OUR HOUSE UP!!!! I was in tears when she told me that. She has lots and lots of food that she gets from Food Lion and Safeway and the Government. And she has bathroom supplies and cloths for all different ages, men, women, and kids. So that is a blessing right there, that she is going to be able to help our family out like that.
Another thing that happened is, last month Lil Sam was involved in a State wide competition for his Shop that he is in at High School. He goes to Polytech High School. He is a Junior. He is in the Carpentry Shop learning both indoor and outdoor carpentry. Well, last month he was in a competition among all the other technical high schools in the state, it was a competition about building something (obviously). Well anyway, he came in Second place in the state in his category and last night was the awards ceremony where he not only got a Silver Metal for it, HE Won a $1,500 Scholarship to College. Can you believe that? I was so proud of him. He was so excited. He said he wants to go to college to learn how to be a master carpenter. I think he will go too, he really likes carpentry and let me tell you, he can build some really incredible things. And he was the only Junior in his whole shop to compete, it is usually a competition for Seniors only, but his teacher said he is the best he has seen in a long time and wanted him to compete with the Seniors. So isn't that COOL!!!! We are so proud of him!!!
AND if all this hasn't been a blessing and a great week for us. I have some more very exciting news to share. I got another Job. You all know that I take care of children with disabilities. Well one of my friends has a niece who is 12 years old and she is totally in a wheelchair and has severe Cerebral Palsy. Well her mom is in need of a personal assistant a couple nights a week to help her out at home. Her dad works nights and the little girl is getting pretty tall and heavy for her mom to care for her by herself. So she needs someone to help her out with like giving her a bath, getting her ready for bed, and that kind of things. It will be about 3 nights a week for like 3 hours a night and because I have so much experience with working with children with Disabilities, she is STARTING me at $15.00 an hour. She says as time goes on and we all get comfortable with each other, there is definitely chances to make more money and even bonuses. I could not believe that when she told me how much I would be making for part time work. It works out to be about 12 hours a week. Isn't that Cool!!! I am so excited about that because it is doing exactly what I love to Do and I love it!!!!! So this could potentially bring in more than $500 extra a month. And man let me tell you, we can use all the money we can get right now.
So I am going into this Spring with a whole new attitude, a whole new outlook on life, and a whole new feeling!!! Everyday is a Miracle, Everyday is a Blessing, and Everyday is a NEW DAY!! and we are no longer going to take things for Granted ever again!!!!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
The Power of Prayers!!!
Well, this past Friday, like any other day recently, I came home from work to find Sam sleeping again. Not looking for a job, not making any phone calls, not doing anything but being severely DEPRESSED. I handed him a phone number of a husband of one of my friends that owns his own business and may be looking for help. Well for some reason, SAM FLEW off the handle. This was the worst time ever. He started smashing everything in sight. He started slamming things, he started yelling and was just insane. I was done. I wanted out of this relationship all together. I was ready to call a lawyer Monday morning. So Sam Left. NO Phone, NO money, just a little bit of gas in his truck, No cigarettes, No food, No clothes. No nothing. And he LEFT. At that point, I didn't not care at all what happened to him. I was done. It had gotten that bad. So he never came home that night. I had no idea where he went. I didn't even care. So the next morning, it was Saturday around 8:30 in the morning my nephew Robert called me and said that Sam called their house from someones cell phone and left a message on the machine. He sounded REALLY Really bad. He said he was broke, out of gas, lost, hungry, out of cigarettes, and needed help. SO he gives me the phone number that he used to call from and I called the phone number. A man answers, his name was JOHN. He said to me that he found Sam in his truck asleep, thought he was dead. He was extremely depressed, crying, just totally LOST. Lost in space, Lost in Spirit, Lost in LIFE. He said Sam was ready to give up on LIFE. John told me where he found Sam and I said there was no way that I would be able to come get him. He said he had things to do and wishes us luck but there was nothing else he could do for him. In the mean time, I have not talked to Sam the whole time. Then at exactly the time I got off of the phone with this John guy, my Gram called me. She caught me right in the middle of all that was going on. AND I just lost it. I told her everything that has been going on and she of course PRAYED with me and told me that I needed to go back to church and all that stuff. If you know my Gram you know what I am talking about. So I was on the phone with her for a little while. WELL all of the sudden about 1 1/2 hours after the first time I talked to JOHN, he called me back, he said to me, "I have not been able to get you and your husband out of my mind" He said, "GOD told me to turn around an help your husband" and "if it is ok with you, I want to talk to your husband and help him out and send him home". I cried and I was like absolutely. Then John told me a little bit about his life, he is 68 yrs old, he was in the very same situation we are in years ago, they were fighting and broke and depressed and the whole nine yards. Just like we are in. He then told me that him and his wife were fighting so much that his Daughter could not take it anymore, she ended up killing herself. HE said he never wants anything like that to happen to anyone like it happened to his family. He said if he can prevent anything like that from happening to anyone else in this world, he is going to help. So he found Sam, took him in his truck for over an hour, Talked to Sam intently, told him about his life, and all that happened to him. Told Sam to Go back home to his wife and family and get himself together. He gave Sam $40 to put gas in his truck, got him something to eat, and told him to go home!!! Sam asked for his name and address and all the man said was his name was John and the only thanks he needed was for Sam to go back to his family and get his life back together. Sam came home that night a CHANGED MAN!!!! He said he hit rock bottom, he said he was ready to give up, he said he witnessed a miracle and that he does not believe in God or anything like that, but for the first time in his LIFE HE PRAYED!!!! He prayed that he would get out of the rut he is in, he prayed that he would be a better man, husband, father, he prayed that he would get a job!!! He PRAYED!!! He has life in his eyes again. He is smiling again. He is alert again. He is totally Changed.
Sunday, that phone number of the person I gave him to call in the first place, he called here looking for Sam and set up an interview for him on Monday morning. Sam went to that interview, had a positive attitude and GOT THE JOB!!! Sam started work today doing exactly what he loves to do, building houses, remodeling, finishing basements, and building decks, etc. He has no idea how much money he is going to be making but right at this point, he does not care. He is just so dam happy to have a job right now and happy to be back into LIFE AGAIN.
SO If I never believed in Miracles or the Power of Prayer, I think I witnessed it this weekend.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
The Day After
Now we need more prayers that Sam gets this job. He had an interview yesterday for a job doing housing remodeling, reconstruction, decks, finishing basements, that kind of stuff and the guy said he is very interested in having Sam help him out and that he would be calling him back in the next day or two and let me tell you, the wait is killing him and me too. SO Pray that he gets this job because with him being out of work for 7 months has really been HARD to Say the Least.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Sunday's Newsflash & Week in Review
So besides Vegas it took me almost three days to get back into the swing of things around here. See our plane was so very very delayed and then in the middle of our flight, we had a medical emergency with one of the passengers that we had to make an emergency landing in Memphis Tenn for over 2 hours and we were not allowed to get off the plane or anything. So needless to say, we were exhausted when we got home. We were supposed to land in Philadelphia airport at 10:15 pm and we didn't even land our plane until 3:27 pm. Then it was a 2 hour drive back to my house, where when I got home, I brought the bags in the house, took a shower, and then got the boys up and we all went to school and work. This was Monday morning. Then I worked all day and then I had a meeting that night. I did not get home from the meeting Monday night until after 10 pm. Talk about Tired. Then I had to do it all over again the next day. So needless to day it took me about 3 or 4 days to get back into the swing of things, to catch up on my sleep, to catch up on my house, to catch up on my work etc. The week was very hectic for me. BUT I am fine now and totally back to normal. So Thank God.
AS you know, today is Sunday and it is So gorgeous outside!!! I am loving this weather. As I'm sure all of America is at this point. What a Winter we all had. I am so glad it is over. SO I have all my windows open in the whole house and we are loving every minute of this beautiful day. So You know Sunday is my weigh in day and I weighed myself today and I have lost 3 lbs this week. I have not lost anything in a long time. I thought I was pretty much done loosing weight but I guess I am not done yet. So my total weight loss at this point is 168 lbs. And I could not be happier. I feel fantastic!!!!
Monday, tomorrow, I have to have a small surgical procedure done and I am a little nervous. But I will be fine. Before I left for Vegas, I had some test done because I have been having some issues with my monthly woman thingy, well the day before I went to Vegas, I had the appointment to go over the results of my tests and they have found two small tumors in my Uterus they think are cancer. The doctor told me that it is 99% cancer. They are the size of pencil tip erasers. Well anyway, tomorrow the doctor is going to clean it all out and do a biopsy on it and let me know what to do next. If we can wait till July when I am out of school, I will be doing a complete hysterectomy then. If not they will have to do it tomorrow and I will be out of work for 6 weeks. I am hoping that we can wait, and I won't need to have chemo or radiation or anything like that. So all I can say is pray and keep positive thoughts coming my way and I will be ok. I am staying positive about all this and everything will be fine.
Well, before I write a complete book, I better end this post now. I will get back on here in a few days or so and let everyone know how my surgery went and how I am doing. Until then, keep me in your prayers and thoughts I will be fine.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Hello from Las Vegas!!!
Just wanted to say hi!!!
I will post more about my wonderful trip when I get back home.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Sunday's Newsflash!!!
So today I weighed myself again and I am happy to report that I am Maintaining my 165 lb weight loss. It has been about 2 months since I have stayed the same and I am doing fantastic with everything. I feel incredible. When my taxes came in a few weeks ago, I went clothes shopping for myself, something I have not done in a long time. And it was wonderful to shop in the REGULAR section of all the stores. None of my clothes have an X or a # in front of anything. And none of my clothes have a W behind the # anymore either. That is HUGE for me cus I was a size 32W and a 3X now I am a size 18 and a L. Isn't that incredible. I feel fantastic.
Well I have to get off of here and get my suitcase packed. In exactly 48 hours from now, I will be on a plane headed to Las Vegas and I have to get all my stuff together for that. I am even setting my clothes out for tomorrow so that when Tuesday comes I will be all ready. LOL. I am so excited to be going to Las Vegas. I have never been there. It is going to be a lot of work but we will definitely have some down time and be able to hang out and play a little bit in the casinos. I have saved a bit of money for me to go there with hopefully I come home with the same amount I went there with, that would be wonderful.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
7 Days to LAS VEGAS BABY!!!!
Anyway, this has been a very very busy week for me. I have had an appointment or meeting every single night this week and I hope to be able to get caught up in things before I leave on Tuesday. I will be able to get caught up hopefully this weekend. I don't have any plans this weekend, so that will be good.
I had my interview last night for the DSEA ESP of the Year. I think I did really really good. But I was extremely nervous. I have not been on that side of an interview in over 18 years and I was so nervous, I was lost for words at one point, YES ME I WAS LOST FOR WORDS can you believe it? But anyway, I am now anxiously awaiting the results to find out if I am the DSEA ESP of the Year. I am Super Excited about it. When I find out, I will be sure to let everyone know.
Saturday, February 27, 2010



I had such a Fantastic Day on My Birthday!!!
I am now 40 and FABULOUS!!!!!!
Then when school was out, we went to a bar and had happy hour. We had dinner and hung out for a while. Then we went to several different bars in the area and I DANCED MY ASS off all night long. I didn't get home until 1:00 am. And I don't even drink. LOL. But we had so much fun. About 8 of us were out all night long dancing and having a GREAT time. Then we ended up at the slots and I played $40 and came out of there with $112.00. SO I was super Happy about that.
So tonight it is Sam and My Time to spend some time together. We are going to have a DATE night~something we have not had in a VERY VERY VERY Long time. I figured since I won some money last night and it was his birthday on Feb 2nd and mine yesterday, we deserve to go out. So we are going out to dinner, see the horse racing, and then we will probably play some more at the slots and see what happens. I just want us to be able to go out and not have to worry about anything, and have a good time and relax.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
24 Hours & 12 Days!!!
12 Days till I leave to go to Las Vegas!!! Whooo Hooo!!! Totally Awesome!!! I can not wait!!!
Monday, February 22, 2010
One of the Best Weekends in a LONG TIME!!!!
So with this shopping trip let me just tell you I STILL HATE SHOPPING!! But I am so glad I did it this weekend. I found some really really awesome clothes at some really really awesome deals and I did it ALL BY MYSELF and spent the ENTIRE day by myself. And after all the stress and busy work and meetings and all that I have had to do in the past two weeks, it was a great release to spend the day by myself.
Also I was excited to be able to get caught up on some of the bills that we have been behind on because of Sam not working. Not that paying bills is exciting, but it was nice to be able to pay some things up to date so that they aren't going to be taken away from us or be cut off on us. You know what I mean. Anyway it was a really good weekend and I KNOW Next Weekend is going to be Wonderful Too!! I can't wait. Only 4 more days until MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
My Birthday COUNTDOWN!!!!!
Every since I was little girl I have always loved my birthday. I can remember my mom making me feel so special on my birthdays. She used to make me little corsages to wear around all day long at school. And she would dress me up all pretty and do my hair and just make me really feel special on my birthday. She would make me my favorite dinner or let me watch my favorite tv show. We would play my favorite family game or sing my favorite songs. What ever I really really loved doing and what ever was my favorite thing to do on my birthday, my mom always let us do. I remember she made me corsages every year on my birthday and for the number I turned she would have that many "things" in the corsage. It was so unique, and only she can make it and make me feel special. Like when I turned 12 I remember she made me a corsage with 12 pieces of gum on it. And when I turned 13 she made me a corsage with like 13 life savors on it. Things like that. I don't remember the specifics of what was on each one each year, but I remember getting one every year and LOVING It. I wore it ALL day long at school all the time. And then for dinner she would make me SPARE RIBS. That was one of my favorite dinners growing up. Just little things like that that we did on my birthday really made me LOVE my birthday. And to this DAY I Still LOVE MY BIRTHDAY. I don't get the corsages anymore or have mom cook dinner for me when I get home. But I sure do get excited about my birthday. And I always remember when it was my birthday I would always want to be OLDER then I actually was. I still think that way. I always want to be older. I LOVE the fact that I am turning 40 this year. As you may know, I had gastric bypass surgery about 1 1/2 years ago. At first I was not sure that is what I wanted to do. But I was not getting any younger and I wanted to stay healthy and live a longer and healthier life. SO I did have that surgery. And I can honestly say, that is the best thing I have ever done in my entire life. I feel absolutely FANTASTIC, AMAZING, WONDERFUL and with that I am in THE BEST SHAPE of my LIFE. So Turning 40 feels EXCITING to me this year because I can actually do and feel and move and not have any problems. So that is one reason I am excited about turning 40. Another reason is that I am very very involved in my State Education Association and the Friday night, my birthday, I am going to a conference in Rehoboth Beach where about 150 other people will be there. And if you know me, EVERYONE knows me. When I walk in the room, it is like Norm from Cheers. LOL. Everyone and I mean EVERYONE knows me and says HI and hugs and kisses, and you get the picture. Well so there will be about 150 people there and on Friday, the first night of the conference there is always a DJ and a party that night. SO what more can I ask for on MY BIRTHDAY!!! Turn 40!!! Feel Fantastic!!! Dance my Ass off!!! 150 of my closest Friends!!! And at the beach for the weekend!!!
Monday, February 15, 2010
L@@K WHO'S 14 Today!!!!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Tomorrow is Valentines day and we have no plans for anything at all. Without much money to even do anything at all it is hard to do anything for Valentines day. So I am just going to make a nice dinner for us and just spend time together. When our taxes come back, then me and Sam will have a "Date Night". But until then, we are broke. So no plans for us on Valentines Day. If you all have plans for Valentines Day I wish you the best of happiness for Valentines Day and I hope you and yours have a Wonderful Time.
Monday is Cody's Birthday. He is going to be 14 years old already. So I am letting him invite like 3 of his friends over on Monday since we don't have school anyway and they can all hang out and play games or do what ever boys do and I will make a cake for him and all. But not a Party per say, because he said he is too old for a party. And then I was going to make his favorite dinner for him which is Hamburger Helper. No one else in this whole house likes hamburger helper except Cody. He loves that stuff. So I will make that for him and I will make something else for everyone else. If you ever talked to Cody he will tell you about this one time when he was at Aunt Ang's house and she made him Hamburger helper and he ate the entire pot of it, what ever anyone else didn't eat. And apparently she made like 3 boxes of it. So you can imagine how much was in there. But he loves that stuff and he will eat all of it if I let him. But I do not let him eat it all at once. He eats it and then has it for lunch the next day. So that is what Cody is getting for his birthday, friends over, a cake, hamburger helper, and a gift card for Walmart (when our taxes come in).
Thursday, February 11, 2010
What day is it?
My boys have been getting along so good with each other all week and it has been so nice here that it has been so quiet so I really like that part. If they had been fighting and carrying on I think I would have gone crazy by now. One thing that has been good about me staying home all week is that my house is spotless and I have been cooking a lot. But that also leads to eating too much and munching cus I am bored. But what else is there to do right?? LOL.
Anyway so some really good news right now. Sam is out there working today. He is helping one of my friends husband who owns a contracting company and he is shoveling out businesses and different places and he is getting $12 an hour to shovel and he will be doing that for like the whole weekend. He went there at 7:00 this morning and he is working till 5:00 and doing it again tomorrow. He and the guy are getting a long really really good and said to Sam that when his business picks up in the spring he may hire Sam on as a carpenter to help him out. THAT would be totally AWESOME!!!! We shall see what happens. So far so good. He is out there making a little bit of money for now and he is enjoying himself so I'm happy. The boys are outside making tunnels and shoveling out my van and making a huge snowman and just having so much fun. Tyler insisted on wearing 3 pairs of pants. I told him it is not that cold out and that he didn't have to wear all that much stuff but he said he didn't want to freeze to death out there. Kids are so funny sometime. It just creates more laundry for me which is fine, cus I am caught up in that too and I needed something to do anyway.
Tonight I am not making anything for dinner. I know right. But no we have so much stuff left over from last night and the night before that we really need to clean out the fridge so we are going to just heat all that stuff up.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
No School till Tuesday
They just called off school for the rest of the week here. We are not going back to school till Tuesday. Monday is President's day so it is a holiday anyway, so we are off till Tuesday. I hear there are 2 schools in Delaware where their roof has collapsed. Wow that is not good. Depending on what comes our way on Sunday and Monday, we will see if we go back to school on Tuesday. But I am not complaining. I have had a whole lot of time on my hands to do ME things. I been cleaning my house like crazy. I love a clean and organized house. I have been playing on my farm and face book a lot. I have been reading my People magazines. I get People magazines delivered because I support the Delaware Special Olympics. I have been getting People Mags for years. They always seem to pile up though because I don't get the chance to read them much. But this week, I think I have read 3 already. And I have been relaxing and COOKING. I made a killer faux Thanksgiving dinner last night. It was so good. Tonight I am making party food for dinner. That's what my boys call it anyway. I am making wings, meatballs, lil smokies, perogies, tater tots, and cut up veggie tray. I just feel like having finger type foods. I have been thinking of posting like a menu thing on here for a couple different reasons. One so that other people can get ideas for dinner and I can get ideas from other people for dinners and two so that I can share recipes for things that I really like to cook. Cus I LOVE to cook especially for other people the more the merrier. LOL. I think I need to have a SNOW party and invite all kinds of family and friends over so I can cook~~Anyone coming???
Today has been a Lazy day here. Me and Cody are the only ones awake right now. Lil Sam and Sam were watching a movie in my room and the movie ended up watching them. And Tyler was reading a book in his room and fell asleep while reading. But hey what else can we do on this snow day?? Cody is watching tv and I am on here. So it is so quiet in here right now and I love it.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Tuesday's Adventure
I didn't get the chance to update on my blog this past Sunday but I did not loose any more weight again. I suspect I have hit my plateau. I have lost 163 lbs and no more. I have not gained any at all and I am maintaining my weight loss wonderfully. I am doing fantastic with all of this. I have bones I never knew I had before. LOL!!! I went from a size 30 W in pants and 3 or 4 X in tops to a size 16-18W in pants and a size L in tops. Can you believe that??? I am super excited about it. I have a ton of friends who have been giving me clothes, Thank God cus I can't afford to buy any right now. So I have a ton of clothes saved up in my closet and I can't even wear half of them right now cus you can only wear just so much. So I am doing ok on clothes right now thanks to all of my friends. I am going to take some of my taxes that I get back and buy me some snow boots though. I don't have any and shoveling snow in sneakers is not fun let me tell you.
Did I tell you that I am going to a conference the weekend of my birthday? My birthday is Friday February 26th and I am going to a conference that night in Rehoboth Beach. And that first night we always have a DJ and we party all night long. So I am looking forward to this birthday so much ~~ 1. because I will be 40 years old and I am super excited about that.
~~ 2. because I will be partying with about 150 of my closest friends. ~~ 3. and I will be at the beach with no kids, no husbands, no work, no nothing but my DSEA friends and family. I am super excited. ~~~ So while I am down there, if my taxes come in by then I plan on going a little bit of shopping for myself and spend some money on ME. Something I NEVER get to do. I always have to pay bills, or get things for the house but I never get the just spend money on myself. SO that is what I plan on doing for this year's birthday.
Well before I write a complete book, I better get off of here.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Snow, Snow, Snow, and MORE SNOW!!!
But anyway, we are doing good. Hanging around the house, getting things done that I have been putting off for a while since I have been so busy. The boys and Sam are watching movies and hanging out all day. So everyone is safe, sound, and warm right now. Not going anywhere.
I hope all my friends and family out in VA, WV, PA, MD, NJ, NY, and NC are all doing ok throughout this blizzard. I think I will be calling some of them this afternoon.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
All set for another big snow storm
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
I am Going to LAS VEGAS BABY!!!!
I have to say, with me being so active in my union, it sure is allowing me to travel a lot lately. I was able to go to San Diego last summer and now Las Vegas, and in July I am going to New Orleans. And is so cool. All expense paid to go and learn, have fun, and become a better leader in my local association. It is so wonderful.
AND I can't wait to find out if I have been selected as the ESP of the year in the State of Delaware. I hope to find out about that by the end of this month. Don't worry, I will be sure to post all about it if I win. Trust me!!!!!
Well, anyway, I don't know where you all live, but we are getting ready to be slammed with more snow tonight and into tomorrow. We got like 6 inches of snow the other day that is still out there and we are going to be getting more on top of that. AND I heard that we are in for a wild Blizzard like conditions this weekend and we could get like over 2 feet of more snow. OK so I have to say, I LOVE SNOW!!! BUT DAM ENOUGH already. I am so dam cold I can't take it anymore. I am always freezing all the time. But I will get used to it soon.
So just encase you didn't know, today is or was Sam's Birthday. He turned 43 years old today. We really didn't do anything at all. I had a meeting after work today and I didn't get home till about 7:30, which he was fine with, but that didn't give us much time to spend together for like dinner and movie or what ever. Because when I got home, I had to do laundry, dishes, and the boys needed their showers and now it is like time for me to go to bed. I don't have anything planed tomorrow so I plan on making him so killer dinner tomorrow night to make up for tonight. I think I am going to make him a cake too. He loves Chocolate cake. So I will have to make him that.
He is doing ok but we are still looking for a job for him. He really doesn't even work at the motorcycles place he was working at anymore. He was there for like 3 or 4 hours like 3 or 4 days a week, but he doesn't even do that anymore. They call him only when they need him and they said they don't need him anymore. It really sucks!!! We are so dam broke right now, I hate it. It is so dam stressful. We are trying our hardest just make ends meet and we are so far behind in all of our bills. It is crazy. I am just hoping and praying that we don't loose everything we have. But we only can take one day at a time.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
My ThreeReidBoys!!!
Tyler is 11 years old already and will be 12 in June. His birthday is the day after lil Sam's. Tyler is in the 6th grade and will be in Junior High school next year. I can not believe how fast my boys have grown up. He is on the HIGH Honor Roll this whole year. He has not gotten anything lower then an A in school this whole year. And the year is halfway over. He has always been on the honor roll in school since he started school, but he got some B's here and there, but never has he has nothing but A's on his whole report card. Like all 4 marking periods, he would have an occasional B. But this report card, he has ALL A's can you believe that? HE is so, so, so, smart. Tyler LOVES to READ. He is in the 6th grade and reads well above the 11th grade level. I would find him in his room all quite and not knowing what he is doing and he would be curled up on his bed with a book. He gets that from me, I love to read. And the stuff he reads is way beyond his age. He said he just loves to read and imagine he is in the story. He wants to be a writer when he gets older. And as long as he has loved to read and has excelled in Reading, I truly think he will become a writer one day. He even has written 2 "books" already. And of course they are of TURTLES!!! Tyler is Passionate about Turtles. LOVES turtles, wants to know everything there is about turtles, has a huge collection of turtles. From stuffed animal turtles, books on turtles, toy turtles, just Turtles Turtles Turtles. SO with Tyler's two passions in live, Reading and Turtles he may become a Marine Biologist Author. All I know is he will go far in life because of how smart he is and how much he loves reading and turtles. He is doing fantastic, the only problem he is having is with Peer pressure. Because he is so smart and wears glasses, the kids at school are picking on him so much, it hurts me to see him like this. He is depressed a lot to go to school and especially eat lunch with all of them in the cafeteria. The cafeteria is so loud and crazy and they all pick on and bully him. I hate peer pressure. Kids can be so mean sometimes. I wish he can eat lunch by himself, but he needs friends too and I don't want to isolate him. So we are dammed if we do and dammed if we don't. But he said he knows that those kids are just jealous of him and as long as it doesn't interfere with his school work, he really can care less about what other kids say about him. Great Attitude if I do say so myself.
I am Extremely Proud of how my boys are turning out. They are all doing Fantastic in School. They are all EXTREMELY Respectful Individuals. And they are all turning into very Responsible Men. It has not always been an easy road, but if I were too look back on it, I think they have turned out to be Great Kids. I thank God to have them in my Life!!!!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Friday Night with a cup of HOT TEA
Tomorrow, after I sleep in, I am not LEAVING MY HOUSE AT ALL. I need a break and my house is calling me.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
A very busy week
I work all day every day, and I am (as one of my co-workers called me today) a Meeting Queen. LOL. I am so involved with Delaware State Education Association. I totally believe in the Union for protection and power. So I have had meetings every night this week. And being the president of my local union sure keeps me busy. SO YES I AM NEVER BORED. IF anything, I am TOO BUSY at times. But you know what, I LOVE It that way. I Love being busy, I love being active, I love helping people and I Love what I do. I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I wasn't busy. I think it must be some kind of ADHD or something, I don't know, LOL.
So if you have been reading my blog, you read that I am being Nominated as the ESP (Educational Support Professional) {teacher's aide} of the Year in the Whole State of DELAWARE!!! I am SUPER EXCITED about that. I had to create a professional portfolio to submit along with the application for my nomination . Well, I just submitted this portfolio today and It came out wonderful. I am extremely proud of the work I did on it and the work I do everyday. If I get selected as the ESP of the Year for the whole state, what an incredible HONOR that will be. I will be on a cloud for DAYS!! It means so much to me to be nominated for this position you have no idea. The next step in this nomination is to be called in for an interview. And that will happen sometime in Mid February. And the results of this selection will be by the beginning of March. I will be calling EVERYONE I know if I become the ESP of the year. I will be honored at a Banquet dinner, I will receive a plaque, a monetary gift, and I will have to make a speech and everything. I will then be the State Representative for all ESP in the state of Delaware. I will be invited to do different speaking engagements, I will do a whole lot more traveling. And then I will be in the running for the NATIONAL ESP of the Year. OH MY GOSH if that happens, WOW. So as I go through this next month or so, I will be on pins and needles waiting to find out the results of this nomination. I do of 5 or 6 other people in the state that are being nominated for this position. You have to be extremely the best in your job classification and several other criteria in order to be nominated, it is not just anyone and everyone can be nominated. It has to be like the best in your field type of thing. And you know what, after doing this for 25 years, I am the best in my field. LOL. If I win this, I want my mom and dad and everyone to come the banquet dinner to see me receive this award. I am just so excited about this right now.
SO I will keep you all posted as to how it is going.
Anyway, other then that, everything is going great here. Wish Sam had a DAM JOB though. It really sucks. One day soon I hope we find something I just don't know what we are going to do. But we are managing.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
HI From the Beach
I will be here just till the end of today and then be going back home tonight. Too bad I didn't have any money or anything I would be going shopping, or stay another night in the hotel and enjoy some ME time. But I can't do that right now. So I will have to go back home and back to the every home life I have to experience. LOL.
So I called Sam this morning to see how things are going at home and see what's happening. He says they boys are fighting as usual. Cody and Tyler have been FIGHTING seems like NON STOP. I just don't know what to do about it anymore. I Know when I was younger, my mom and dad said that me and Angela used to fight ALL the time too. Now I guess I am getting my payback for giving my parents such a hard time while I was growing up. BUT DAM does this ever end???? Lil Sam doesn't fight with either one of them and he is fine with all of them. But the other two, I sware, I WANT TO HANG THEM UP BY THEIR TOES!!!!!!! Sam also told me that Tyler was tired of waiting and it was bothering him that he had to wait so long that he CUT HIS OWN HAIR!!! He needs a hair cut really bad, I will give him that, but I told him I will be going away for the weekend and that on Sunday I will take him to get his hair cut but he just could not wait any more and I guess it was getting all his eyes and all. SO he took the scissors and chopped off a big chunk off the top of his head by his forehead. So needless to say, I was not too happy to hear about that. Now we have to basically give him a BUZZ cut in the middle of winter and I don't like the idea of his hair being that short in the middle of the winter. But he brought it on himself so he will have to deal with it. Kids, man what the heck were we thinking. LOL.
Anyway, I will post more tomorrow. I have to get back to my trainings and all.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Sunday's Newsflash!!!
Anyway, again I did my weigh in and did not loose any more weight. I am going to start having to think of something else, weekly, to post about because not loosing anymore weight and posting about it will become monotous. I am certainly NOT complaining that I did not loose any more weight. I think 163 lbs lost is Incredible. And I think It is outstanding and I feel fantastic. But not loosing any more weight and keep posting about it will be boring.
It has been raining all day long today. And it is that cold, cold rain. Brings chills right through you. I have had a jacket on in the house all day long. I have been so cold. And I only went out for like an hour today. But it was so cold out there today. I hate winter. I hate being so dam cold. I have to say that since I have lost all of this weight, that is one of the side effects that is taking a long time getting used to. I am ALWAYS cold. Doctor said it is normal and will take about a year to adjust. If you think about it, I had so much insulation when I was heavier and now I have lost it all so I have nothing to protect me anymore from the cold weather. But I would rather put on a few layers of clothes then put a few layers of insulation back on. LOL. SO I am sitting here drinking a really nice cup of HOT tea, wearing my jacket and slippers and I feel really good right now.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
It's Almost Friday
Not much of anything else has been happening around here. Work, school, meetings, and appointments. Get up and do it all over again the next day.
Sam is still looking for a job and it really really sucks. He still works part time which that does help but dam it is sure tight right now, I don't know how we are going to be able to survive and keep all the things we have, like the house, the van, the electric, etc. It really sucks. I sure do wish this economy will pick back up again and soon!!!
No plans for this weekend except to finish up my portfolio for the nomination for me the DSEA ESP of the year. Other then that, I am going to hang out with one of my very best friends. She had surgery right before Christmas and she has been out of work since then and won't be back till Feb 1 and I sure do miss her a whole lot. And she is finally feeling better and able to drive (short distances) and she wants to come out of her house so dam bad. She said she needs to see other 4 walls other then her own. So her and her daughters are going to come over on Saturday and hang out and have dinner and play games and all. So that is going to be fun. Other then that I have no other plans. I just want to chill and relax and get rested up for the next full week of by busy life.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Today is Tuesday, it's really Tuesday!!!
Today was a silly day. I have been in a silly mood. My kids at work just are so dam cute, so dam fun, just so dam loveable. They were playing with blocks on the floor today and a lot of the times they are playing on the floor and we (adults) are up and about and moving around doing what we need to do. Well this one little boy said "Ms. Patti, come here and look at this big building" So I decided to get on the floor with them. WELL they all started pushing me down and then the next thing I know, I have 8 little kids ALL climbing on me and laughing and playing and just absolutely LOVING IT!! It is one of those priceless moments with my kids. That really made me love the day, love my kids, love everything about it. It doesn't happen very often, but it was just a spontaneous thing that the kids would remember for a long time. It was another thing to validate how much I LOVE MY JOB!!!
Anyway, for the rest of this week and all next week, I am going to be very busy with meetings and appointments and that kind of stuff so I am not sure how much posting I am going to be able to do on my blog. BUT one of my new years resolutions is to keep this blog going because I really like doing it and I got out of it for such a long time that I want to keep going this year. So I am going to try my hardest to put a couple things on here a couple times a week. It may not be every day but at least 2-3 times a week.